Category Archives: Confirm Judge Kavanaugh

Vote Republican!


First, Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed. Next, the Republicans will add to their majorities in both the House and the Senate following the mid-term elections. Finally, President Trump will win a landslide victory in 2020 and Republicans will hold overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate. The United States, under President Trump, will fulfill its ‘Exceptionalism’ potential for the benefit of all Americans. All peace-loving countries that strive to emulate the United States will reap immense prosperity and success for its citizens…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

The United States could easily rule the world by virtue of its military and economic power by advancing a imperialistic policy. If China or Russia or any number of other countries were in such a position they would no doubt project their power to subjugate the rest of the world. That is why the United States is the embodiment of Exceptionalism! The United States is the only country in history to have leverage enough to master the world, but instead we choose not to use our leverage in that regard. Instead, United States Exceptionalism has lifted billions out of poverty, saved billions from deadly diseases, raised the standard of living for the entire world and disseminated technology in unprecedented fashion, which has been a boon for the advancement of world civilization. President Trump is MAGA and in the process the Exceptionalism that is the United States will do more for his America First agenda, and more for all other countries at large then any global agenda could ever hope to achieve…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

The Cold War settled the contest between Capitalism (in the American tradition) and Communism (in all its forms) once and for all. Democrats cannot seem to understand that that was the most important war of all wars in all history—it provided civilization the definitive roadmap to prosperity. The result of that War provides unimpeachable proof that the United States has formulated a system of government, commerce, social intercourse and technological advancement that works best. The Republican policies, under President Trump, exemplifies the most optimal formulation for success ever conceived in the history of civilization. To deny the self-evident facts is folly. To suggest that Communism (Socialism) can work if properly managed is lunacy: following the post Soviet Union collapse the Venezuela iteration of the same failed system further proves the case—we need not try again. It is a settled argument that equality of opportunity (race to the top) prevails over equality of outcome (race to the bottom). To rally behind the optimized Republican policies is the pathway to fiscal and social efficacy for all…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

As to the [de]construct of postmodernism and its calling card known as ‘identity politics’, which places emphasis on ‘isms’ and ‘-phobics’; i.e., racism and xenophobic), which are defective and malignant biases that have no place in the United States or the Western World, let alone anywhere else. The United States is the most race-tolerant (Constitution) and welcoming nation (Statue of Liberty) the world has ever witnessed. People are judged not so much on the color of their skin or their place of birth but rather on their competencies, their performance, their sense of team, their esprit de corps, their desire to engage and contribute and their demonstrated cooperation and camaraderie for shared success. We all want to associate with winners, with hard workers, with people who want to better themselves and improve the communities in which they work and play without invoking ‘isms’ and ‘phobics’. Identity politics is passé and says more about those who resort to using it than those who are abused by it.  In all events identity politics, in all its forms, needs to be eradicated from society once and for all, along with every other postmodern contrivance bar none.  We can be far more productive by redirecting our misspent energies on issues that really matter such as educate the ignorant, continue to reduce poverty, call-out those who game the system and strive to enhance civilization, etc.…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Don’t be taken in by Christine Blasey Ford’s (“Blasey”) duplicitous performance—she has never once apologized to the American public, or Judge Kavanaugh, or the Congress as a whole, or to President Trump or any one else for being so unapologetically disruptive to the country. How about her not thanking the same for earnestly and respectfully giving her full consideration for her plight, while at the same time indulging her advocates, much to the chagrin of the Republicans knowing they would certainly suffer the full onslaught of the Dem’s all too familiar circus-like theatrics. All such accommodations were freely given in light of the potential mischief, high jinx and high stakes, redounding of unintended consequences and the political impact that her controversial actions will likely have on the country’s future political landscape. Notwithstanding all of special treatment, the elitist SJW Blasey afforded no such apologies and no such thanks except to her fellow Leftist radical supporters, advocates and advisors…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

The Blasey strategy, in a word, was to ‘protest Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination as a true-to-form SJW’ by weaponizing the Dems, who would in turn weaponize the Constitution to subvert the Constitution. Blasey choice of tactics was to play her role in such a manner as to render it indistinguishable from being couched as a Stockholm Syndrome victim or to being a hapless or willing foil of the Dems: the choice of tactic was inconsequential to her executing her SJW strategy. In all events, she knew the Dems would be able to leverage her disruption during this supercharged political season as a means to potentially temporize the nomination process until after the midterm elections. The vain but urgent hope of the Dems is part of their plot to block the coveted high court seat until 2020, open the door to impeachment and close the door on President Trump’s mission to ‘drain the swamp’ while making America Great Again. Blasey was all too happy to play a role in the plot, as would most any SJW given the opportunity…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Is there a possibility that her memory might have betrayed her belief? She will not even consider or entertain that possibility. Are we to discount the calculus of all her academic credentials and pedantic knowledge of how the memory works (this obviously includes when it fails to work or when it is compromised, especially after 36-years), which she all too conveniently omits and therefore cannot be attributed to selective naiveté or feigned ignorance. She will not stoop to deign much less dignify the possibility of having an erroneous memory, however remote, to her way of thinking—how egotistical and self-righteous is that. That in and of itself is reason enough to cast a credible suspicion on her story as well as her motives no matter what she believes or what the truth truly is—she knows better—and we know that she knows…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Her vainglorious gall on a sudden speciously culminates after 36-years, to meekly project through her vomit-provoking Cindy Lou Who voice, will not allow her to entertain a scintilla of doubt to the contrary: this admits of SJW advocacy in the gross and scope of mine opinion. This calculated and superficial performance, designed to elicit empathy cum credibility, did more to discredit and raise doubts beyond the uncorroborated, unsubstantiated and unproven confabulation that she knowingly or unknowingly perpetrated before an unwarranted Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Wherefore, especially in light of the conspicuous absence of time and place specificity concerning the alleged assault, according to her memory or lack thereof. Furthermore, the not so incidental means of travel to and from the scene is conveniently erased from her memory, which should prove to her that her memory is both fallible and faulty: least of all foolproof. (During the 1980’s there was no Uber and no cell phones: she allegedly just cast herself haplessly in the street with only her wiles to guide her home again at no small distance, but such dramatic events somehow elude recollection)…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Add too, having the total universe of her supposed named witnesses unable to corroborate, substantiate or prove any part of her story is telltale. What’s more, each of named witnesses went so far as to submit affidavits that diametrically oppose her accounts (apparent confabulations) under penalty of the law, which when taken together makes for compelling testimony that tips the scales in favor of Judge Kavanaugh, not Blasey. Now, combine all of the foregoing with the emphatic denial and exculpatory evidence provided by the highly credible accused, Judge Kavanaugh: it’s preposterous for her not to admit that she might be mistaken no matter what she thinks she believes. Blasey’s testimony does not meet any judicial standard nor does it meet any test whereby law enforcement authorities can open mush less investigate anything resembling a case. Blasey’s entire testimony is impeached by its own shortcomings, failings and inconsistencies. TO BE BELIEVED YOU MUST BE WILLING NOT TO BELIEVE YOURSELF…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

I respectfully submit to a candid world that Blasey appears to me to be a calculating opportunistic self-styled victim who fortuitously aimed for a national stage in which to dramatize, unapologetically, the postmodern agenda as a SJW adherent. The power-hungry Dems (“crypto-communists”) where all too eager to oblige, underwrite, politicize and propagandize her seditious fraud on the American people for political gain. Moreover, the Dems, after the fashion of a fifth column, were not above hijacking the time-honored and inviolable constitutional confirmation process, designed by the Founding Fathers, to confirm an otherwise excellent nominee, Judge Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh the Dems owe you an apology for this travesty. Please step out from under the Sword of Damocles and take-up your rightful position on the Supreme Court with full honors and commendations. The only way to rid the country of this toxic contagious Leftist maniacal hysteria that has severely infected a vociferously predisposed and misinformed susceptible minority of the citizenry is to Vote Republican in the upcoming midterm elections…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

We must not walk upon “The Road to Serfdom”. We must not slip into ‘Totalitarianism’. We must not have our country resort to the use of a ‘Sanctuary Archipelago’. We must, in all events win the midterm elections and drive towards a landslide in 2020…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

American citizens are endowed with the blessings of liberty. due process under the law and the presumption of innocence unless and until proven guilty…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

VOTE REPUBLICAN! VOTE REPUBLICAN! With President Trump leading the way we can all Win! There will be no losers if we allow President Trump to keep on Winning…VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Exceptionalism is the Hallmark of the United States!

  • Shall we allow mere unsubstantiated, uncorroborated and unproven accusations to have standing in our Republic just because the Left deems it expedient? NO!
  • Shall we forfeit our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because the Left will profit by it? NO!
  • Shall we capitulate to the madness of the Left if they cannot rule over us? NO!
  • Shall we gratuitously forfeit our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honors for the Left? NO!
  • Or shall we VOTE REPUBLICAN, because it is the RIGHT thing to do, and DAMN THE LEFT! YES!

God Bless President Trump!

  • Make America Great!
  • America First!
  • Promises Made, Promises Kept!
  • Keep America Great!

God Bless America!

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