Category Archives: Channeling

Sonnet 4: Mew Adieu

Queen turned Molly—quits me on nature’s terms,
Weaned from a clowder of kith ‘n’ kin kits.
Doomed a barn cat, my innards hosting worms—
Barely sustained by my wiles, will and wits.
Delivered by the Mother I adore,
Who rescued me and took me to her home
To lick me clean whilst my purr seemed to roar—
I loved her love above my love to roam.
A more dreamy and loving cat than me?
Nay, Mom christened me, “Comet-I-Love-You”.
Miss sleeps cheek-to-cheek, and her bel esprit—
Oh, too distant Mum I mewed you adieu.
Mom has left happy, hence I’ll not dismay—
To her, a purrfectly empyreal day!

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